<![CDATA[SacredSapphire.com - Blog]]>Sun, 12 May 2024 23:06:12 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[The Medicine Wheel]]>Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:00:04 GMThttp://sacredsapphire.com/blog/the-medicine-wheelIncorporating the Wheel of Life into Holistic Tarot

A Medicine Wheel reading in action

The Medicine Wheel amongst many other things represents the wheel of life. It is the wheel of all human experience and possibilities, forever evolving and unfolding just like the seasons that cycle in a year. Medicine Wheels show us the interconnectedness of all creation starting with ourselves at the centre, and then moving clockwise through all of the four directions. Through our spiralling journey around the circle we experience life and gain wisdom and strength.

Each direction has a very special part to play in our lives and together the directions represent all aspects of life itself. Medicine Wheels are very intricate, and therefore my following summary is not a complete representation of what each direction means. It is a simple introduction into the circle of life through the Medicine Wheel.

The sun rises in the east and offers us the gift of fire. Fire represents spirituality and the ignition of all things new, just like the season of Spring. It is the time of planting new creative ideas and energy that we want to eventually see come to life. The east is the spark of momentum that will take us through the wheel.

Moving clockwise through the wheel we reach mid-day in the south where we experience summer. The gift of earth rules this direction and it represents the physical. It is here that our ideas come into fruition and as we work our manifestations we gain lessons along the way.

We then journey into the west where we watch a beautiful autumn sunset. The west offers the gift of water and with it brings emotion. It is the end of our day and we take the time to harvest our lessons and emotions, reflect on them and dive into the waters to go deeper for introspection and understanding.

Finally, we travel at midnight into the north where winter resides bringing the gift of air. Air is the ruler of the intellect and mind, it offers us great guidance and wisdom. While we rest, our minds are still at work, always sorting, solving and strategically planning our next adventure that will begin again at sunrise.

How can a Medicine Wheel Holistic Tarot reading help you?

The Medicine Wheel can help you discover and remove any blockages that you may have in your life. By doing this you will ultimately experience an increased flow through life and gain more of an understanding of how you can achieve your goals. The Medicine Wheel is also a very helpful tool to get to the root of situations as it takes all aspects of life into account. By exploring your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental aspects in your life no leaf is left unturned. Working with the Medicine Wheel can be a very liberating process and can provide a positive transformation for you on your journey.

Click Here to book a Medicine Wheel reading with me and find out what the cards have in store for you.

With Love & Gratitude
<![CDATA[Making the Cut]]>Sun, 01 Jan 2017 13:00:00 GMThttp://sacredsapphire.com/blog/making-the-cutOne Brave Perfectionists
Journey into Trimming Her
Universal Rider Waite Tarot Deck

PicturePreparation - Scroll down for more photos
I have had my Universal Rider Waite Tarot deck for more years than I care to share. Although I have read with them over the years… many years, I never truly and completely connected with them until now.

After skimming through hundreds of decks online trying to find a Rider Waite clone that I could possibly have a better connection with (a search that has stood the test of time). One photo stood out and caught my eye. It was of a Rider Waite deck very much like mine… but borderless! The colours oozed awesomeness and the illustrations came to life in every card.

I was immediately inspired. I desperately wanted to free my own deck from the confines of their clinical white walls. But being a perfectionist, this was not an easy task for me to undertake. One wrong snip would send me into a panic and I would probably end up buying a whole new deck just to replace the afflicted card.

But the rewards of a beautiful borderless deck that truly spoke to me were too great. So, I went out and bought myself a new pair of titanium coated scissors, plus a 5mm corner cutter and gave the whole deck a haircut.

I love how my deck turned out. In fact, I have found my readings to be even more helpful to my clients that come and ask for its infinite wisdom.

Here are some tips for those of you who would like to make the cut.
  • Make sure your scissors are sharp and make sure that they are only used for cutting paper. Who wants the remnants of last night’s dinner from their kitchen scissors on their wonderful Tarot deck? Yuck!
  • Try out your Edward Scissorhands skills on the extra cards in the deck, and when you are confident move on to the rest.
  • 5mm corner cutters ensure that any card titles and corner details are not chopped off.
  • Go ahead and take the plunge, I promise you it’s worth it!

Testing, testing 123
The Fool went first
Then his friends joined him. Look at the difference!
With Love & Gratitude
<![CDATA[New Year, New Deck]]>Sun, 01 Jan 2017 13:00:00 GMThttp://sacredsapphire.com/blog/new-year-new-deckFinally, It's Here! The 3rd Edition of the Pearls of Wisdom Tarot Deck by Roxi Sim

The 3rd Edition of The Pearls of Wisdom Tarot Deck - Gold Edition

I ordered my 3rd Edition of the Pearls of Wisdom Deck from Game Crafter in late November. I have desperately wanted this deck ever since I laid eyes on it, spending hours obsessively studying it’s colourful symbolic artwork online. Game Crafter told me it would arrive in March… yikes! So, you can imagine my excitement when the postman knocked on my door last week cradling my brand-new bundle of joy.

My first impressions of the cards were “WOW”. They are flamboyant, whimsical and quite simply stunning. The impressive rich colours and symbolism really make you take a double take. Each time you look at a card you will find something new, something you didn’t notice before. Bringing new wisdom, excitement, and life into your hands and onto your tarot cloth.

My Gold Edition set came with The Complete Wisdom booklet and The Pearls of Wisdom and Alphabetical Listings, Spreads and Runes booklet. Last but not least it came with a Guided Meditations Major Arcana booklet which is beautifully written and inspiring. All of my goodies including my jumbo-sized deck (size 3.5”×5.5”) came in a bright, colourful and flashy box.

The booklets
The gorgeous deck
What’s more is that this deck is the deck that keeps on giving. I spoke with Roxi and she shared an exciting tidbit. If you look at the cards through a magnifying glass they reveal their fabulous glory in 3D. Yes, that’s right, a 3D tarot deck! Roxi has truly made this deck come alive.
Just a few of my favourite Major Arcana cards
Amazing Aces
The story behind the deck is one of great strength and is worth copious amounts of admiration. The deck was created through Roxi’s seven-year journey of healing when she lost her nine-year-old son, her mother and the deterioration of her own health. The deck became her art therapy and ultimately lead her through her journey into wellness.
“Each pearl symbolizes wisdom acquired through the hardship of experience of lessons. A pearl is created when an oyster deposits layers of luminous nacre around a grain of sand to protect itself from the irritation of the foreign material. Our life trials, losses, and disappointments are our grains of sand. Through layers of love for ourselves, others, and the Divine, we create our own string of pearls.”
- Roxi Sim

I am excited to unlock the secrets this vibrant deck holds with my clients so that they too can work through the grains of sand and create their own strings of pearls.
You can find out more about Roxi and her incredibly stunning and inspirational deck by visiting

Click Here to book a reading with me using this deck and find out what the cards have in store for you. 
With Love & Gratitude